Campus Life

Arianna Eichhof - Journalism major at the News Lab

Bellisario College student builds journalism career one meeting at a time

Penn State student Arianna Eichhof spent much of the past year immersing herself in journalism. A part of that was joining Documenters, a national program that trains residents of communities to attend public meetings and publish the results. Eichhof was part of the first cohort of Centre Documenters, which covers the State College, Pennsylvania, area and is run by the News Lab housed in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.
Two students in an office

Phillip Diouf is recognized as a John Roe Sustainability Impact Awardee

In recognition of student leadership and commitment to environmental stewardship, Phillip Diouf, an undergraduate at Penn State Abington, has been named one of this year's recipients of the John Roe Sustainability Impact Award. This award, named after the late Penn State mathematics professor John Roe, reflects the profound impact of individuals who are driven to make a difference in the sustainability landscape of the University.